Discovering the science behind the art of healing

These AQTN certifications are not meant to prepare you to start a practice. They will not make you eligible to join an association. AQTN endorses The Great Courses, or TTC, as we believe their videos will benefit you and develop your scope of knowledge.

  • 1 Currently we only offer two certifications based on two courses: the science of natural healing and anatomy and physiology.
  • 2The DVD's are not included in the examination cost. The DVDs have the benefit that they standardize the content and ensure quality.
  • 3To succeed, you must set aside some time each week to view the courses and study.

Unregulated education in Quebec means large variations in program quality.

AQTN is privileged to have the permission to use TTC DVD's as content.

The anatomy and physiology certification has two sub-markets:

1) As an initiation to anatomy and physiology (A&P) for anyone interested in starting a practice or wanting to review A&P before or after a program in massage therapy, naturopathy or naturotherapy, or any other modality.

2) As a challenge exam (reconnaissance des acquis, RAC), as it is called in universities, meaning you take the test without going through the courses. As therapists, we often learn and acquire new knowledge without any recognition, year after year. This option is if you want a certificate to recognize your studies in A&P. We tested the exam on two cohorts to ensure it is adequately difficult.

By offering a standardized A&P course based on a highly reputable source, we hope to raise the bar (a little) for A&P in our unregulated Quebec market. Maybe even inspire a teacher or a school somewhere to improve on our concept, such as watching a 45 minute key lecture as a group, followed by a discussion for another hour, with prepared notes and material to memorize.


Encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Learn More


A collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method. Learn More

Continuing Education

Correspondance courses are not for everyone. Here are some tips to succeed:

Set aside some time, on a regular basis, and commit to spending that time to progressing with the work load. You must have self-discipline, and you must also be interested in the material.

Obtaining the DVD's

Order the DVD's from The Great Courses, also referred to as The Teaching Company (TTC). If you can, try to get the courses on special or find a coupon code.